Mitsulift Elevators by Base Design

    2018-04-04 11:15:52 Amy.Yang 49

    As the built environment expands, as it seeks new places to fill and accommodate a growing populace, time spent in and our reliance on modern conveyance systems develop in tandem. Reliability is centr

    The Politics and Poetics of Space’ by Work In Progress

    2018-04-04 10:56:12 Amy.Yang 49


    Daechung Park Cafe by Studio fnt

    2018-04-04 10:36:36 Amy.Yang 145

    It features a distinctive interior of wood and stepped brick walls developed by FHHH Friends, furniture and objects by studio COM and a graphic identity designed Studio fnt. Graphic identity is expres

    Fluvia by Folch

    2018-04-04 10:31:06 Amy.Yang 53

    This repositioned the brand’s communications away from technical details and superfluous elements to focus on product, to develop an identity for each, drawing out their distinctive character and core


    2018-04-04 10:20:56 Amy.Yang 48

    品牌设计对于公司打造品牌影响力有着十分重要的意义,正如我们现在看到咬掉一口的苹果形象,都会想到苹果公司一样。本文作者 Jesus Diaz 对乔布斯在 1993 年接受的一次采访进行了回忆,介绍了乔布斯与保罗·兰德合作为 Next 公司设计品牌 logo 的经历,并就其中值得我们反思和学习的内容从三个方面进行了剖析。 时间回到 1986 年。就是在这一年,史蒂夫·乔布斯遇到了保罗·兰德(


    2018-03-22 11:26:08 Amy.Yang 84


    London Fashion Week by Pentagram

    2018-03-22 11:20:17 Amy.Yang 75


    Who Protects Me From Violence

    2018-03-22 11:13:47 Amy.Yang 69

