Piccolo by Here Design
The fold-out structural design, layers of insight which is accessible but not basic, and smart in its story of planting, nurturing, harvesting and eating, bring a richness and thoughtfulness to the ma
Center for the Study of Political Graphics by Blok
Strömma Arkipelag by 25ah
Strömma Arkipelag is a new residential property project from Swedish developer Innovation Properties, and located in between the inner city and outer archipelago of Stockholm. Strömma Arkipelag offers
Riso D’uomo by Here Design
Taking inspiration from Riso D’uomo’s provenance, specifically the ornate marble floor tiles of Duomo di Milano, Here developed graphic identity and packaging that draws a striking aesthetic response
Boundless Theatre by Spy
Boundless Theatre, led by Artistic Director Rob Drummer, is a UK based theatrical group that creates plays for 15 to 25 year olds, “as well as curious others”, that respond to a diverse global culture
Colours May Vary by Build
Colours May Vary is a Leeds based creative lifestyle store, independent bookshop and events space. Its physical and digital stores are filled with a variety of products, from riso prints, books and ma
3月12日上午,太原市轨道交通发展有限公司在会议室召开了太原地铁标志启用新闻发布会,正式对外宣布启用“太原地铁”全新标志。创意说明 1、太原作为华夏文明、古代文化的发源地之一,具有它独特的人文价值。本次标志设计没有采用全世界大部分地铁标志所采用的英文字母M和地铁的造型,而采用了最能代表太原悠久历史和深厚文化的中国印“太”字。图形以汉字“太”为创意原点,在不失方块字汉字基本间架结构的前提下
SEAT是西班牙最大的汽车公司,现在正式推出了新品牌CUPRA,并拥有全新LOGO。据悉该品牌仍将聚焦于西雅特量产车型的衍生运动版本,而首批带有Cupra logo的车型(包括一款高性能Ateca SUV)已经于2月亮相。CUPRA是“Cup Racer”的缩写,品牌的形象一直以来都是运动方向比较显著,它的这一特点吸引并激励了世界各地的汽车爱好者。CUPRA的名字代表着独特,优雅和性能。CUPRA