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    2018-08-11 23:35:43 贝意广告 63

    OfficeUS Manual by Pentagram

    2018-08-05 13:05:22 贝意广告 91

    OfficeUS Manual is a guide to the American architectural workplace over the past century. It is the third book in the OfficeUS series which deals with the development of international US architectural

    Dissabtes MACBA by Hey

    2018-08-05 11:33:02 贝意广告 52

    Dissabtes MACBA (“MACBA’s Saturdays”) is a partnership between The Museum of Contemporary Art of Barcelona (MACBA); an iconic architectural symbol and one of the city’s leading cultural institutions,

    Osofor by Paul Belford Ltd

    2018-08-05 11:21:03 贝意广告 188

    Osofor will be a digital-first and lab-grown diamond jewellery business able to create stones of any shape and cut. It will offer a modern and sustainable luxury brand to those who desire the material

    El Pintor by Anagrama

    2018-08-05 11:12:03 贝意广告 70

    El Pintor is a high-quality tequila and mezcal brand said to have been handcrafted by the world’s second certified maestro tequilero. El Pinto’s approach intends to create perfectly equilibrated spiri


    2018-08-05 11:09:34 贝意广告 75


    2018-08-05 11:06:27 贝意广告 93


    2018-07-28 11:36:04 贝意广告 50

    JUKE是MediaMarkt和Saturn的音乐流媒体服务。通过JUKE可以数字化消费超过4600万首歌曲。JUKE用户还在德国的MediaMarkt和Saturn的430多家商店获得支持。最近,JUKE品牌视觉再次被进行重塑:企业色彩,图像,排版和徽标, 一切都发生了变化。这是一个非常吸引人的丰富多彩的面貌,为用户提供更好的性能和各种新功能。
