百度金融更名“度小满金融”; “小米有品”新LOGO上线

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    百度金融更名“度小满金融”,开始独立运营度小满金融,原百度金融。2018年4月,百度宣布旗下金融服务事业群组正式完成拆分融资协议签署,拆分后百度金融将启用全新品牌“度小满金融”,实现独立运营。 “度小满”这一名称,取意“源自百度,小得盈满,前行不止”。“度”是延承百度技术基因,“小满”是一个节气,更是一种小得盈满、恰到好处的人生状态。这也是度小满金融想要与用户分享的生活态度:永远谦逊有节

    Goldlink Magazine by Spy

    2024-04-12 17:46:09 Amy.Yang 73

     Goldsmiths’ biannual alumni magazine Goldlink has been redesigned by Spy, the design studio behind the university’s graphic identity. The magazine is distributed to over 50,000 former students a


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    2024-04-12 17:46:09 Amy.Yang 212

    近日,众泰的新车标得到了车友们及大众的诸多关注。北京车展众泰新闻发布会以“道法自然智美天成”为主题,同时启用众泰汽车全新LOGO并发布全新VI体系。据悉,众泰汽车将陆续发布BI、MI、SI,以全新的CIS体系以表达其努力改变以往形象的决心。设计机构正邦品牌顾问服务集团品牌定位“激发更多乐趣的价值级汽车品牌” 标识新标继承了富有品牌基因的核心识别元素“Z”的造型,优化了外框比例,字母“Z”

    Platform 10: Live Feed by Pentagram

    2024-04-12 17:46:09 73

    Platform 10 is the latest edition of the Harvard University Graduate School of Design’s annual abstract of student work, events, lectures and exhibitions. Under the theme “Live Feed” and inspired by s

    Enter Arkitektur by Lundgren+Lindqvist

    2024-04-12 17:46:09 78

    To mark the launch of their new graphic identity, Lundgren+Lindqvist developed a range of gifts. These included illustrative A5 postcards, gift wrap to coincide with Christmas, knitted scarves, silksc

    Helsinki by Werklig

    2024-04-12 17:46:09 65

    In August 2017 Scandinavian design studio Werklig was commissioned to develop the graphic identity for the Finnish city of Helsinki, a capital with an urban region of roughly 1.4 million inhabitants a

    The East Cut by Collins

    2024-04-12 17:46:09 Amy.Yang 54

    The East Cut unifies the three distinct downtown San Francisco areas of Transbay, Folsom and Rincon Hill into a single and modern metropolitan community. It is a unique an area, now recognised by Goog
