
    2024-04-12 17:46:09 贝意广告 167

    说到垃圾,人们往往避之而不及,但是随着城市的发展,各种垃圾的产生也越来越多,并逐渐威胁着人类赖以生存的环境,全世界每个角落都有一批社会的先驱者却把垃圾玩出了设计的新花样。Heathrow Express为促进可持续发展,11月14日在首都伦敦希思罗机场做了一项以垃圾为主题的创新海报宣传活动。当乘客前往行李大厅时,可以观看得到希思罗机场快线服务20周年宣传海报。这张海报该长幅达36米,希思罗机场快线

    Schubertíada Vilabertran by Mucho

    2024-04-12 17:46:09 贝意广告 47

    Schubertíada is an annual festival run by Associació Franz Schubert that celebrates the works of the 19th-century Austrian Romantic composer Franz Schubert. This takes place in the Spanish municipalit

    Teatulia by Here Design

    2024-04-12 17:46:09 贝意广告 206

    Teatulia is a Bangladeshi single origin tea brand that recently moved into the UK market, opening a flagship store, tea shop and cocktail bar in London’s Covent Garden. It is a social enterprise creat

    Tea & Glory by Socio Design

    2024-04-12 17:46:09 贝意广告 83

    Tea & Glory are loose-leaf tea experts and are described as the antithesis of fast-paced coffee culture. In the same spirit of ancient tea drinking rituals, the brand is interested in the continue

    Everlea by Studio Brave

    2024-04-12 17:46:09 贝意广告 101

    Everlea is a new property development described as a private sanctuary of townhouses located in the Melbourne suburb of Keysborough, an expanding community marked by its space and natural surroundings

    Speculations On Anonymous Materials by Zak Group

    2024-04-12 17:46:09 贝意广告 92

    Speculations on Anonymous Materials (2013), nature after nature (2014) and Inhuman (2015) is a trilogy of exhibitions, curated by Susanne Pfeffer, that took place at Fridericianum, Europe’s oldest pub

    Anton&Anton Kioski by Bond

    2024-04-12 17:46:09 贝意广告 101

    Anton&Anton (A&A) is an alternative to and antithesis of the large supermarket chains. Staff are described as relaxed, smiley and proud. Their ranges (mostly) organic, some homecooked and also

    246 Queen by Studio South

    2024-04-12 17:46:09 贝意广告 122

    The marketing language and the graphic identity of the building, designed by Auckland-based Studio South, draws on the history and original vision of the building. This revolves around the modernist,
