Locomotion designed by Colmo

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    Their new identity, designed by Colmo, is a visual blend of mathematical glyphs and emoticons representing Locomotions understanding of consumer behaviour.

    HOP designed by Designworks

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    HOP is an electronic card based ticketing solution introduced by Auckland Transport and developed to simplify payment across all of its public transport services.

    Fashion Central Saint Martins by Praline

    2024-04-12 17:46:09 贝意广告 22

    The Central Saint Martins Fashion Course has a legacy of rebelliousness, pushing back against establish design conventions and subverting expectations. The course encourages self-expression, boldness

    Sophia Georgopoulou

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    SugarSin designed by

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    Having designed a logotype and a playful, lollipop inspired marque we created an eclectic illustration-led palette for packaging and stationery. Black and white images of everyday objects are combined


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    设计机构:五角设计这是该品牌自2013年引入前一个标志以来的首次重大变化。新的标志与新产品和增强功能的发布同时进行,包括重新设计的Yahoo Mail应用程序,并标志着战略变革为公司准备在来年推出其他产品和服务。2013年8月7日起,Yahoo!到2013年9月5日,雅虎邮件开始循环显示30种不同的标志,并带有最终的新标志。这种简化和放大的策略体现在一个比其前身更简单,更灵活的新标志中,并且可以追

    马来西亚国产汽车品牌「宝腾 Proton」更新品牌LOGO和口号

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    宝腾(Proton)是马来西亚的国产汽车品牌,1985年,在马来西亚第4任首相马哈迪(Mahathir)的主导下成立。Proton是马来语「Perusahaan Otomobil Nasional(国产汽车工业)」的缩写,在马来西亚和新加坡,中文译名为「普腾」。新标志和标语宝腾汽车上的虎标志将被更新为更有风格的代表,以银色呈现,并以更强烈的收尾来代表马来西亚的骄傲。该标志采用了一种全新的“无围栏”


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    对于Tulip Food Company,这是具有里程碑意义的一天,因为该公司将其名称更改为Danish Crown Foods。已有100年历史的Tulip这个名称继续作为产品品牌,而不是公司品牌。Danish Crown-Corporate字体Danish Crown拥有6800名关联农场主和29000名员工,是欧洲最大的肉类加工商。该公司的起源可以追溯到1887年,当时500名丹麦农民共同组
