Kisumé by Fabio Ongarato Design
This links business cards, stationery, menus, window and lighting decals, posters and website.
Agder Bryggeri by Frank
Agder Bryggeri is a historical name amongst breweries throughout Norway
Vestre Anniversary Book by Snøhetta, Norway
Vestre is a Norwegian, family-owned and run, furniture design and manufacturing business celebrating its 70th anniversary this year.
变身小鱼黑白,国宝,熊猫!以鹿为原型的精简设计,这造型能力,服气!简简单单线条勾勒的小象霸气的小狮子一只呆萌的小青蛙简单小鸟logo 设计简单小金鱼logo 设计
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Gustav Almestål by Bedow
The chiseled serifs of Portrait and the broad monospacing of sans-serif Heimat Mono.
The Broadview Hotel by Blok
These included business cards, menus and coasters as documents here, but also wayfinding and signage.
Rain, Gravity, Heat, Cold by Blok
This is an initial impression, based on the press release and images provided by Blok, if you would like to read BP&O’s hands on review, click here.