A.N Other by Socio Design

    2024-04-12 17:46:09 imglab 59

    A. N Other gives its perfumers the creative room to craft limited edition, luxury and high concentration fragrances free from the pressures of consumer trends, market segmentation and budgetary constr

    Mitsulift Elevators by Base Design

    2024-04-12 17:46:09 Amy.Yang 49

    As the built environment expands, as it seeks new places to fill and accommodate a growing populace, time spent in and our reliance on modern conveyance systems develop in tandem. Reliability is centr

    Graanmarkt 13 by Base

    2024-04-12 17:46:09 Amy.Yang 63



    2024-04-12 17:46:09 imglab 65

    史蒂夫·乔布斯(Steve Jobs)是苹果公司的联合创始人之一。但史蒂夫·乔布斯(Steve Jobs)也有可能是一家时髦的服装品牌。让苹果公司防不胜防的是,他们从来没有想到,自家公司创始人的名字会被一家来自意大利的服装公司注册成为商标,就连品牌LOGO的设计也有点苹果LOGO的影子。 据了解,这家名叫“Steve Jobs”的服装品牌由来自意大利的两兄弟Vincenzo和Giacom

    Loupedeck by Bond

    2024-04-12 17:46:09 imglab 68

     Loupedeck is a Finnish startup and photo editing console designed to make the process of image manipulation faster in Adobe Lightroom for both Windows and Mac users. It is described as being an


    2024-04-12 17:46:09 imglab 90

    一、相关单位概念首先说屏幕密度ppi,它是指1英寸长度上显示的像素数量(英寸是物理长度单位,是实实在在可以用直尺测量的长度),因此ppi是一个密度单位,值越大,单位英寸上的像素点就越多,颜色信息也就越丰富,显示效果就会更加细腻高清。它的计算公式是:ppi=屏幕对角线上的像素量px / 对角线长度inch = √(屏幕横向像素^2 + 屏幕纵向像素^2)/对角线长度。我们再来说说墨点密度dpi,它的

    DomésticoShop & DomésticoMarket by Mucho

    2024-04-12 17:46:09 imglab 51

    DomésticoShop is online retailer of designer homeware which has grown to become the leader in the Spanish market. It stocks an array of items, from furniture and kitchenwear to textiles and lighting.

    Port of Mokha by Manual

    2024-04-12 17:46:09 imglab 37

    Port of Mokha is a coffee, sourced from Yemen, that is said to be the rarest, most expensive and best tasting in the world. As a brand it is critically acclaimed, winning awards and receiving the high
