MoMA by Order

    2024-04-12 17:46:09 贝意广告 11

    The MoMA logotype, set in Franklin Gothic No. 2 and designed by Ivan Chermayeff, is an icon, and has been part of the New York urban landscape and international museum graphic vernacular since its cre

    Self, Made by Collins

    2024-04-12 17:46:09 贝意广告 14

    It did this through a host of outside collaborators to curate exhibits, artefacts, and artworks with the intention to “shift visitors’ inherent views of themselves.” As part of a continued partnership

    AIR Studios by Spin

    2024-04-12 17:46:09 贝意广告 9

    This culminated in the creation of a dynamic symbol of orbital paths and undulating waves, a modern colour palette of neutrals and bright colour, black and white photography and the use of motion on s

    OneFourFive Clarendon by Studio Brave

    2024-04-12 17:46:09 贝意广告 16

    This narrative is complemented by a graphic identity that intends to subvert the boundaries of expectation within the commercial property landscape in the confluence of bold contemporary typography an

    Sequential, Performative & Temporal Thinking

    2024-04-12 17:46:09 贝意广告 18

    This post is a provocation to think more about sequence, time and space within packaging design. To draw a joy from the often overlooked and banal necessities of packaging, to elevate details such as

    微型酿酒厂“Slice Beer Co”品牌形象设计

    2024-04-12 17:46:09 贝意广告 21

    在设计“ Slice”标志名称的时候,巧妙的将“ LI”两个字母设计成一个完整的图形,并创造了一个视觉语言。因为“ LI”连字创造了整体的造型,使得“ C”和“ E”的反向空间也是非常整洁的。新的字母“ S”设计的很个性并具有张力,并在玻璃器皿中都得到了很好的利用。


    2024-04-12 17:46:09 贝意广告 33

    2009年在福建起家的华莱士现在应该是中国本土最大的一家集产品开发、生产、销售为一体的西式快餐企业。一直以来主打「超级符号」的华与华首先对华莱士的品牌LOGO进行了重塑,直接以「华莱士」英文名称「Wallace」首字母 「W 」为主要识别符号,「W 」中间负形部分增加了一只黄鸡冠公鸡形象,主色调将以红色和黄色两种颜色为主。华莱士全鸡汉堡包装设计店面形象设计
