Atlantic Theater 2018 – ’19 Season by Pentagram

    2024-04-12 17:46:09 贝意广告 220

    Atlantic Theater Company continues to work with Paula Scher and her team at Pentagram, this time on the campaign for their 2018–19 season. This is characterised by a contrast of bright fluorescent gra


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    CELINE换了新Logo,这一波奢侈品牌纷纷换Logo意味着什么?继Burberry和Calvin Klein之后,Celine在Instagram上公布了品牌的全新Logo。新Logo去除了原本Céline拼写中的重音符号,é变为e,字体变得更加现代化,字母之前的间隔也缩小了,使整个Logo看起来简洁并紧凑。品牌介绍赛琳(Céline)创立于1945年,是一家法国的高级时装品牌,现时是LVMH


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    8月27日,良品铺子举行12周年品牌形象升级盛典,宣布启用全新品牌LOGO。沿用多年的“良品妹妹”卡通人物将不再出现在品牌LOGO中,取而代之的是一个极其简约的“良印”红色图形。良品铺子创始人、董事长杨红春在现场表示,LOGO升级,拉开了良品铺子品牌升级的序幕。 品牌介绍良品铺子于2006年在武汉创立,是一家休闲零食连锁品牌。致力于休闲食品的研发、加工、分装、零售服务等专业品牌质量与文化

    Mies In London by OK-RM

    2024-04-12 17:46:09 贝意广告 146

    Through careful research and collaboration with RIBA, the CCA and Drawing Matter over three years, editor Jack London and co-editor Yulia Rudenko have brought to light the inside and out of Mansion Ho

    Hands On: Critical Mass by Foreign Policy

    2024-04-12 17:46:09 贝意广告 121

    The magazine is designed and published by Singapore-based design studio and think tank Foreign Policy and takes the form of a slim staple bound booklet of 32 pages. Although light, it is an insightful

    85 Spring Street by Studio Ongarato

    2024-04-12 17:46:09 贝意广告 153

    85 Spring St is a residential property development of 132 apartments by Golden Age Group, designed by Bates Smart and located in the Australian city of Melbourne. It will be marked by its total work o


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